A silent
evening off the Thursday thunderstorm. You posted the grand sale that your
friend had made. It was quite funny… and although we were not friends but
acquaintances, I thought I could slide right through and share the little ray
of light that you had glammed my 3.2mm frown with.
As a
creature of serenity and simplicity, tomorrow I want to follow the butterfly,
down the white sands as it lands on the cowry shell. I want to watch the stars
off the roof robbed kitchen as we warm muthoki with Smokey eyes. But I do not
understand why not do that now.
Evening cappuccino
as you sip your black tea and bite of
your cheese beef sandwich… I am mad because I had to do shopping that I
did not need because I was waiting for you… how? I do not know! because your
phone was off at the time we were to meet. Why not just go home? I do not

Why don’t
we just say what we want? I think life is too shorts to get entangled when you
just need/want a single bite. We do not need to lie to ourselves to smile
through the day. Why wet the pillow overnight and cover conceal the eye bugs in
make up.
come clean. If you want a beer instead of sparkling water… its way cheaper and
they both quench the thirst. If you want to slip into flip flops and not your timbers to the first date, they
are comfortable than the tie and leather pinky toe pressing crocodile skin
put on the shirt dress, wear the bata ngomas in all colours all week. Say hi to
your Dzaaadzy for me while in Malawi yucking the sushi but pretending to like
it while on snap. Work your ass off your
ass in the 3 layers of make up and the tight skirts up the corporate ladder.
Because at
the end of the day they(we) will still talk. Give them something interesting to put next
to your name.
Know what? ...Actually am
better off not understanding. thanks