Alpha Barbie

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Simple like Quantum Physics Alpha Barbie My father's daughter

Monday, 5 March 2012


life is funny...those who think they are aren't n those who u think they aren't they are!friends r people who think of you as equally as they think of them selves they put them selves in your position and try to make your life seem easy.

if u look at people u consider your friends u will find that most time your nowhere near their vocabulary when your not around them they only remember u 4 the things u do ,and at that time u will have done mighty according to your ability but done worry the remembrance will only b 4 a while.....

true friends will always want to know how u r doing at the end of the day they will be there to support u when u r low not only in times of happiness when u need them they'll be there 4 u ...,they wont forget special days in your life,they'll try their best not to hurt you or the people you love...most importantly they will be punctual or slightly late with a good excuse....

if u have any of this they expect u to do the same for them at least half if u cant do all.if u have a friend whom u really trust n treasure try being a good friend!!


early in the morning
its about you am thinking
the fears and pain forgeting
due to you am surely falling
bleeding for love  not fading
crying over the night
remembering the good times
missings shall forever be
teachings i will never loose
to you i will ever be greatful
though broken you left me
noone but me felt the pain
torn apart i knelt
but my smile i still ...

love you D.M


In the Mediterranean Sea, a cloud was born and was destined to go to see the world to central Africa where the beautiful rainforest was believed to be. On its way it stopped above the Sahara desert and it wondered why it was dry and not beautiful like central Africa where it was believed to be paradise.

“What are you doing,” complained the wind. ”The entire desert is exactly the same! Come join us, and lets go to the center of Africa, where are beautiful mountains and trees!”

But the cloud, full of energy, did not accept; little by little, it lowered its altitude, until it was able to float on a gentle, generous breeze down the golden sands. After wondering all over the place, it noticed that one of the sand dunes was smiling at it.

It was because the dune was also young, recently formed by the wind which had just passed. Straight away, the cloud fell in love with its golden hair.

“Good morning”, said the cloud. “What is it like living down there?”

“I have the company of other dunes, the sun, the wind and the caravans which pass by from time to time. Sometimes it is very hot, but it is bearable. And what is it like living up there like?”

There is also the wind and the sun, but the advantage is, I can wander across the sky and get to know everything.

For me life is short said the – dune. When the wind returns from the forest, I will disappear.

And does that make you sad?

It gives me the impression that I am of no use to anyone.

I feel the same way. As soon as another wind comes, I will go south and become rain; however that’s my destiny.

The dune hesitated for a moment, before saying:

Did you know that, down here in the desert, we call the rain paradise?

I didn’t know I could become something so important-said the young cloud.

I’ve heard several fairy tales told by old dunes. They say, after the rain we are covered in herbs and flowers. But I’d never known what that is like, for in the desert it only rains very rarely.

This time it was the cloud which hesitated. But then it started to smile joyfully.

If you like, I can cover you with rain. Although I’ve just arrived, I am in love with you, and would like to stay here forever.

When I first saw you up in the sky, I too fell in love-said the dune. But if turn your lovely white hair in to rain, you will die.

Love never dies-said the dune. It transforms; and I want to show you paradise.

And so it began to touch the dune with droplets; they remained together like this for a long time, until a rainbow appeared.

The next day, the small dune was covered in herbs and flowers. Other clouds passing towards central Africa thought that must be part of the forest they were searching for, and pored down more rain. Fifteen years later, the dune had become an oasis, which refreshed travelers under the shade of its trees, all because one day, a loving cloud hadn’t been afraid to give up its life in the name of love.

So I asked the moral of the story?
“Our love should not just be words and talk; it must be TRUE LOVE, which SHOWS ITSELF IN ACTION.” 1 John 3:18

This means love is the enemy of exclusion and discrimination, of hatred and rivalry, of violence and conflict. Remember the golden rule “do unto others what you would like them to do unto you”. Each knew generation is a divine gift to the world. If we pass on to them all that is noble and good in our lives they will make it blossom.
 by David Muasya
      R.I.P bro still love you